Feb. 11, 2019
SPJ/LA Board of Directors
Monday, Feb. 11, 2019
Louise’s Trattoria
10645 W. Pico Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Present: Penny Arevalo, Ashanti Blaize-Hopkins, Stephanie Bluestein, Carolina Garcia,Jason Lewis, Kathryn Mora, Frank Mottek, Nathan Solis, Lori Streifler, Alice Walton,Robi Wax, Julia Wick, David Zahniser
Meeting called to order at 7:12 p.m.
I. Approval of minutes - Bluestein reported that the minutes should be amended to include that via email, the board approved a slate of associate board members. Blaize-Hopkins said the minutes should be amended to accurately reflect her last name. Mottek moved to approved, Blaize-Hopkins seconded. Minutes approved.
II. President’s report – Bluestein reported she will attend the Region 11 Conference in Las Vegas at the end of March. She will report back to the board in March regarding expenses for the conference. Bluestein also reported that she continues to work with the Nonprofit Communications and Media Network to accept the nonprofit's remaining $40,000 in scholarship funds. Initial advice is that the chapter will not have to pay taxes on the money if it is given as a donation. Mottek offered to help Bluestein find a tax expert to confirm that information.
III. Treasurer’s report – Marcellino
Mottek moved to receive the Treasurer's report. Garcia seconded. Approved.
IV. Standing/Ad Hoc Committees
a. Awards
b. Banquet – Walton reported the banquet has about 50 RSVPs. The goal is to get another 75-100. Walton encouraged board members to reach out to their networks -- colleagues, friends, academic institutions -- and encourage people to attend the event. If people cannot attend the banquet, they should be encouraged to donate $80 for a student ticket.Walton will reach out to more news organizations regarding table sponsorship. Mottek and Walton continue to work to find a speaker for the event.
d. Diversity – Lewis
Working with Solis and Wick on panel discussion.
e. Ethics - report giving by David Zahniser. San Diego chapter wants to put out a statement on law enforcement. LA Times report about police misconduct. Difficult to get information. Bill passed into law that required the release of information. Departments are still denying newspapers access to records. Newspapers sued Sacramento over this.Going into litigation. San Diego chapter is drafting a statement about this. Both chapters putting out a statement would be a good idea.Worth taking a position and putting out a statement.
f. FOI
g. Generation J – Blaize-Hopkins - Setting up a tour with journalist at KCRW. Reaching out to campus newsrooms.
h. Membership
i. Nominations
j. Scholarships
V. Old Business
a. PIO Panel on Jan. 26– Favot
VI. New Business- $924.50 for six months for directors and officers insurance. Bluestein is in favor of continuing with the insurance. David Zahniser moved for approval and second by Julia Wick. Approved.
Solis is planning a panel discussing racism in the age of Trump. Lewis and Wick will work with him on this event.Wick spoke about having a panel on either cannabis or homelessness. Bluestein is looking to meet with leaders of other journalism organizations.
VII. Adjournment Mottek moved to adjourn the meeting. Wick seconded. Approved.
Next meeting: Monday, March 4 at Louise’s Trattoria