Oct. 5, 2015
SPJ/LA Board of Directors Meeting MinutesL: Monday, Oct. 5, 2015, 7 p.m.Louise’s Trattoria, 10645 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064Stephanie Bluestein, Christina Cocca, Richard Hendrickson, Khalil Garriott, Elizabeth Marcellino, Navid Nonahal, Richard Saxton, Julia Seifer, Lori Streifler, Jeff Wald, Alice Walton, Robi Wax, Natalie Windsor, David Zahniser.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Cocca moves to approve the Sept. 8 minutes, Garriott seconds. Motion carries, with Wax abstaining.PRESIDENT’S REPORT:Excellence in Journalism 2015: Nonahal reported that Garriott served as a delegate at this year’s national conference in Orlando. He and Nonahal each had 2 votes.Garriott had most of his expenses covered by SPJ’s National office. But he does have $188.70 in airfare left over. Nonahal asked the board to pick up those remaining expenses. Marcellino moved to have SPJ/LA cover that cost, and Windsor seconded. The motion carried.Nonahal also discussed the dinner meeting that she and Bluestein had with Rebecca Baker, secretary treasurer of SPJ’s national office. Baker is likely to become president of SPJ national in 2017, the year the conference is set to be held in Anaheim.Baker was in town Sept. 28 and listened to feedback from Nonahal and Bluestein on the chapter’s recent experiences with national. She offered tips for SPJ/LA on event planning, promotional activities, membership benefits and so on.Windsor suggested SPJ/LA could affiliate itself with a credit union and offer that as a perk to members. Nonahal offered to make that idea part of the discussion at the January retreat.TREASURER’S REPORT:Hendrickson presented the treasurer’s report for the month ended Sept. 30. The chapter’s balance at the end of the month should be $30,659.67, once a check is cashed. The Morgan Stanley account is $69,292.12, up from $69,261.65 the previous month.Hendrickson also said he recently went to an online journalism event in Venice, which featured a speaker from Google. Hendrickson said he would email information from that presentation.STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS:Awards: Marcellino reported the committee will be sending out a request for award nominations on Thursday. She asked board members to get the word out to their colleagues. A slate will be presented at the November board meeting.The board had an extended discussion on whether to change the title of the award category for “new media” – individuals at news organizations that are online-only. Should it be Distinguished Digital Journalist? Distinguished Online Journalist?The board left it to the Nominations Committee to come up with the new name, which will be presented at the next board meeting.Banquet: No reportCourts: No reportDiversity: No reportEthics: No reportFOI: Zahniser updated the board on the latest developments in organizing the Nov. 7 Spreadsheet Survival workshop. He reported that Ron Campbell, who works with Center for Health Reporting, has agreed to lead the workshop. The plan is to have an event that runs for three hours — the first half would be an overview on data tools, followed by a break, while the second would be a hands-on workshop led by Campbell.Zahniser said the committee has been in talks with Cal State, LA over space but does not yet have a confirmation. If that confirmation does not come, the event will likely have to be postponed until January.Board members suggested the committee look at venues like the RAND offices in Santa Monica. Zahniser said he would keep board members updated on the search for a venue.Generation J: Board members discussed the Oct. 24 event at Cal State Northridge. Bluestein brought up the yearly $500 contribution that SPJ/LA provides for the event.Windsor moved to make the contribution and Bellman seconded. Motion carries.Membership: No reportNominations: No reportScholarships: No reportOLD BUSINESS
July Mega Mixer Recap: Nonahal thanked Saxton and Evans for putting together the well attended July mega mixer. Nonahal asked whether all of the outside funds for the event came in. Saxton said he would check with Evans.
9 Mixer: Nonahal said last month’s Booze and Board Games mixer in downtown Los Angeles was also a success. In addition, Claudia Peschiutta is working on a possible mixer/event in late October, one that might be thrown in tandem with the L.A. Press Club.
15 event: Nonahal reported the Oct. 15 mixer organized by board member Michael Fleeman will be at SBE, 5900 Wilshire Blvd. Martha Pierce, head of audience growth for attention.com, will discuss the topic “How to Build a Successful Search Strategy from the Ground Up.”
NEXT BOARD MEETING: Nov. 2 at Louise’s, 7 p.m.ADJOURNMENT: Wald moves to adjourn, Windsor seconds. Meeting is adjourned.