RSVP for SPJ/LA's 2016 Holiday Party
'Tis the season... for news and good cheer!
You are invited to join the Greater Los Angeles Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists for our festive annual holiday party on Wednesday, Dec. 7 in the heart of Beverly Hills.
Enjoy the beautiful holiday atmosphere as we gather to celebrate the season at the Shanghai Grill. The party this year includes a generous dinner buffet holiday feast and a no-host cash bar.Space is limited.
When: Wednesday, Dec. 7, from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Where: Shanghai Grill, 9383 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Cost: $25 for SPJ/LA members and $40 for non-members (check or credit card only)
Parking: Free valet parking available at Spago Beverly Hills with validation from Shanghai Grill. There is also free parking on Wilshire Boulevard after 7 p.m.