SPJ/LA Calls for Inquiry, Action on Detention of Journalists

The Society of Professional Journalists, Greater Los Angeles chapter, issued the following statement on the LAPD's detention of journalists in Echo Park on Thursday night:

Officers with the Los Angeles Police Department improperly detained multiple journalists who were doing their jobs covering demonstrations in Echo Park on Thursday. In at least one case, an LAPD sergeant declined to release a reporter even after being presented with his press credentials. This is only the latest incident in Southern California where credentialed journalists, carrying out their constitutionally protected reporting activities, have been mistreated by law enforcement.

The Board of Police Commissioners must open an inquiry into the officers' actions, determine what additional training is needed and establish policies that ensure the LAPD correctly identifies members of the news media at breaking news events and allows them to have freedom of movement to cover those events. Each of these actions are needed to protect the First Amendment and ensure that these types of incidents finally come to an end.

CONTACT: Joel Bellman, SPJ/LA (424) 324-1815 or Sarah Favot (617) 756-5643 sarah.favot@gmail.com



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